Had a great time at Imaging USA this year. The annual photography conference which hosts up to 10,000 pro and enthusiast photographers from around the globe, took place in Phoenix, AZ January 12-14 at the beautiful Phoenix Conference Center.
I was honored to be able to speak and do a "live" shoot on Miller's Professional Imaging stage this year...IT WAS AWESOME! I taught on "Cutting Edge HS Senior Portraiture: From consult to final output" and "Thinking Outside the Box". And Brandon Heiss and the team at Westcott provided the innovative continuous lighting system called ICELIGHTS.

And for the latest and greatest in the tech world and the utmost in Adobe education and training, please check out Terry White's Tech Blog! Really want to thank him for helping the live shoot take place. This dude rocks and I'm honored he's a friend. Thanks T!

I have to say, for any photographer looking to take their craft to the next level, meet new people, learn great and amazing techniques, refine your skillset, and learn from the best in the game, I would highly recommend going to Imaging USA and conferences like it. This experience over the past few years have caused me to really refine my brand and ability. I have started more worthwhile business relationships than I ever have doing this on my own and not attending these conferences. I will now be attending WPPI in Las Vegas this year and am really, really looking forward to it. In my opinion, any time you have an opportunity to learn and refine your skills amongst some of the best, DO IT!
Below, you'll find a few images from Imaging USA 2014 including one of me speaking while Jason Groupp (head of WPPI) is watching. Really? WOW! Talk about pressure! Glad I didn't know he was there :)!
Thanks for reading and I hope it helps someone who is on the fence about becoming members of these entities and going to these very worth while conferences!
Jason is the well dressed guy in the bow tie