Check out vid! This is what our kids will experience!
GIVE HERE! Check out vid! This is what our kids will experience!
It's as simple as this... Our youth need to be engaged and impacted. I thought how cool would it be to take the very things I love and am passionate about (Photography and my City: Detroit) and combine them in a way that is cool, educational and inspiring and then introduce it to kids who need the opportunity dream and be successful.
So that's exactly what I want to do! I'm going to take at least 200 kids on a Photographic Bus Tour of the jewels of the city of Detroit where we will have a professional tour guide give us the facts. I'll have a contingent of professional photographers, community leaders, educators and role models on board to give not only photography instruction but also mentoring and presence in a very fun environment.
We'll teach kids the art of photography and things like composition, camera function and how to get proper exposure, set white balance, etc. This will also give some kids the opportunity go beyond their normal neighborhood borders and experience a great side of the city they never hear about.

I calculated about $2,000 per bus load of about 50 kids for a 6 hour guided tour of the city (I WOULD LIKE TO DO AT LEAST FOUR(4) BUS LOADS BY END OF SUMMER 2015) which will include...
Lunch at a nice Downtown Detroit restaurant
Tour Guide
Some type of Swag Bag
Ancillary Photographic Equipment
If our kids fail, it is because we as adults have failed them. It is our responsibility to make sure they have the opportunities they need to become the leaders of our tomorrow! I sincerely thank you for your help. Know that I am passionate abut the success of our youth.
Thank you all!