The more I live, the more I realize that this life doesn't belong to me. To some people that may sound really weird, but it's the truth. I realize now more than ever that there are those that paved a way and laid a foundation before me so I can walk on something solid. My life is made up of accomplishments built on foundations that other people laid. Wow, what a thought! How dare I take credit for anything I've done. There have been men slain, women working four and five jobs just to barely make it while raising families, communities have marched and stood in the face of oppression, demanded education when it was vehemently denied and died holding on to a resolve that life will be better for forth coming generations...All holding on to one great galvanizing factor. GOD! In all of the history that I read of people overcoming great ordeals and standing when they should had given up long ago, was their belief in the Great GOD Almighty who had assigned them to stand in the face of wrong and was on their side. A God that built a people for endurance so in the end they could show that there certainly is a God that really exist.
In today's generation, we give up so quickly and there is such a lack of resolve. People don't fight like they used to for marriages and children and families and relationships and businesses. My belief is this... If the belief in God got my ancestors through then certainly the same God can get us through marriage troubles and financial woes and drug & alcohol problems and teen pregnancies and porn addictions and disrespect issues and the list goes on.
I was recently told by a healthy 90 year old, "The Love that God gives you is not meant to be used selfishly, but given away." Wow, what a concept for life! Is that how she made it to ninety?
I BELIEVE That there is absolutely nothing God cannot do. "Death and Life are in the Power of what you say, and those that Speak(whether death or life)will eat the fruit of it." That being said, I LOVE MY CITY! DETROIT FOR LIFE! And I love people. Yes, life has been difficult for us, no doubt. But, if that's all you look at, that's all you'll ever have, DIFFICULTY. Time to look at and consider some new STUFF for us.
It's my life's assignment to interject energy, life and hope wherever I go and to whomever I meet. I truly believe that if you touch someone's life or enter an environment, it should be better because you were there. That is what we should strive for, A SPIRIT OF SERVICE TO OUR NEIGHBORS!
Detroiters having a great time together - Eastern Market Flower Day
Don't just be great at what you do. Be a Great person and you'll be great at everything you do.