Well Shawn...what makes you say that?
Fact is your image whether it's on a business card, your website, facebook, twitter, foursquare or any other social media or media platform gets a ton more mileage and views than you will ever get walking through your 24 hour day and showing everyone you come in contact with your beautiful face. :)
Just on Facebook alone Google now estimates that about 590 million unique users on are requesting a staggering 840 billion pages every month, excluding application pages, which translates to 1,423 pages per user per month. That means 38.5% of the users on the Internet are using Facebook in some way. The average user visits Facebook 41 times per month, which gives the site 24 billion visits per month.
So what does all of this mean for my new or existing Business, Start-up or Venture?
Believe it or not, perception of who you are and how you conduct business as a professional is perceived from the images people see of you regardless of whether they've met you are not. (i.e Headshots, Photos, Logos, websites, business cards)
Personally speaking, I would not have even gotten phone calls from some of my top clients if the imagery they saw on my website, social media sites and google searches were'nt first class. And believe me, anyone seriously considering doing business with you WILL SEARCH YOU OUT! Most companies said they were 75% sure of their decision to do business with me before they ever reached out to me due to the presentation they'd seen on my online collateral(web stuff).
What's your point Shawn?
Your business' image is just as important as the business itself. Make sure to invest in good imagery, No.. not good, great imagery. This means headshots and/or professional photography, a clean and decent website and well designed and printed business cards and literature. It will make a world of difference when you (OR YOUR IMAGE) enters the marketplace.
Professional Headshots by Shawn Lee of SHAWN LEE STUDIOS of prominent national and international thought leaders highly revered in the fields of Branding and Marketing.
Hajj Flemings, Founder Brand Camp University, GoKit - Image as featured CNN, CNN Money.com

Peter Shankman, Founder HARO, shankman.com C.C. Chapman, Author of Content Rules, cc-chapman.com


February 22, 2014 8:30am - 12:30pm
@Atomic Object
Detroit, MI